Monday, January 6, 2014

This Must be it, Welcome to the New Year.

New Years resolutions are the odd things we never actually finish (or sometimes even start) despite hoping and dreaming our own character will fundamentally change enough to make us do so.

They're all remnants of the child inside who wanted to party like the kids in the High School films we used to watch: we all wanted to live in the world of Mean Girls or Clueless and hoped someday something would whisk us off into that marry life.

Today, the wish of living in such a way is best (or was best) described in the phrase "#yoloSwag.

So how many of us actually made resolutions this year?

How many of us wish?

I do.

I want to read more, and think less, and have lots of adventures. I want to love myself and others more, and I want to be understood.

I want to find the TARDIS and run away, too.

I want to be okay.

My resolutions are way too abstract to be accomplished, but hey! Who cares. It's time to absorb the dreamy, glossy atmosphere or a brand new year!

2014. Here I go.

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