Friday, June 7, 2013

Now I got big.

Today's been a bit slow-pace: I remember waking up early and groggy, trying to get myself excited because today is my graduation.

Today's been a bit rusty: I remember putting on my dress and planning out methodically what I'd do next: Put on a cover jacket, take my coffee, put on my makeup.

Today's been strangely smooth: I remember getting to the ampitheater, bumping into friends, and talking with zest and enthusiam over who we'd miss, who we'll keep seeing, and who we're sad to say goodbye to. Above all, I remember hearing "I can't believe this is happening!"

I remember getting up to stage and cheering for every person I loved and admired.

Today's been a bit bumpy:I remember being nervewracked when I saw we were up next, and walking pumped as I got my diploma. I was stuck in the middle for a few seconds, but as the juniors would say, "#yolo".

I remember being happy at the sigt of a yellow batman shirt in the crowd.

Today's been lovely: I'll remember the cheers of my family and the enthusiastic mothers cheering the most.

And above all, I'll always remember the tassle.

It may sound like an odd closeure, but I'll always remember my first role model's tassle: my eldest sister.

I'll always remember her having it in her car, and that I always wanted one on my car when I got big.

Well, now I got big.
Today's been a day to remember.

With love
Nikola Strange

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