Monday, October 14, 2013

Some news.

So we've all heard 'round the world now that the US Government has finally lost its' shit and shut down operations a week or so ago.

The world's reaction was represented within this gif of Microft Holmes.

Most weren't surprised when the shit finally hit the fan, especially here in the US where the sword of Damocles loomed over our heads for a few years now to become a new normal. I believe most of us fully expect a next Great Recession to hit. Sorry rest of the planet. It's hard to vote better with two parties bent on gerrymandering and the electoral college.

What really kicks when we're all down, I think, is this little gem the internet shared today. Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland's Eight Congressional District decided execute a show to expose a GOP trick (this is his video on his YouTube channel).

GOP leaders decided to change the standing rule 22, clause 4 for the sake of making it next to impossible to re-open the Government without compromise from the other side of the table.

Van Hollen did not miss a beat, and is getting exactly what he wanted out of this YouTube video, and me-- name recognition, and for something good.

Not to mention next election is already poised to be an interesting one. We're bound to see some turnovers, which would please many to no end.

Here's hoping we get some good news in the upcoming days.

Or at the very least that we all get invited to a good Government Shutdown Party before things get much worse.

With love
Nikola Strange.
Van House website page
I don't even live in Maryland. :P

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